Thursday, May 31, 2007

India Journal 2006- #67-May 30, 2007- Capuccino Lesson and Flowers to Make your Day!

Strange day...kind of fluidy, without form, just moving along, almost viscous. Warmer than it's been for weeks. Guess I'm not used to that.

finished my shopping at the chemist this morning. Late breakfast...checked out some wireless blut tooth technology available here which allows you to use your laptop, anywhere, with the help of a cellphone which somehow connects you to the internet. Discussed it with Beau but he believes it is not yet available in Israel and suggested I wait until I come next time and get all the gadgets and configurations I need here. The phone accessory would cost 5000 rupees (500 shekel) but then I would have unlimited internet access from my room at the price of 400 rupees (40 shekel-10 $$) a month. Much less than I spend using the internet cafe now and certianly more convenient. Will check it out in Rishikesh when I get back there.

I will also buy computer accessories here for my new laptop as the prices have gone down by alot even since I arrived here, and a wireless mouse, good quality, is only about 450 rupees as compared to 1500 just 2 months ago.
I will pick up a mouse, perhaps a wireless keyboard, and a mike and headphone set, and maybe even a webcam although I hate people seeing me when I am online...will think about that.

This entire discussion, above, I discussed directly with Beau, my computer guy, by speaking with him using Skype which is quite amazing and free, and works just as well, if not better, than a phone. and then I spoke to (and saw) my friend Esther in Tel Aviv on messenger. The world is a pure miracle of technology!

And then felt really tired so took a nap.

Have just photo copied an entire book for the price of 90 rupees (9 shekel) instead of ordering it over the itnernet for well over $30 with postage.

and am now sitting in a coffee house, filled with foreigners, mostly Americans, drinking my first cup of capuccino in over a month. And it WAS a real treat (although my stomach is beginning to tell me "that was not a good idea"!).

NOW THE WHOLE LESSON HERE IS THAT I am really sitting here, as I might in any ocffee house in the world, relaxing, reading, enjoying an amazing view and feeling like I am truly vacationing (and rich at that!). and all for the price of 40 rupees. Now that is a REALLY expensive cup of coffee here in India (but worth the price) but if I would want to do the same simple thing at home it would cost me at least 4 times as much. and this is what is going to be hard for me. Not having this freedom of movement and ability to do whatever moves me at the moment, once I get home. Or, perhaps that IS the lesson. DO what moves me at home as well, since money is no longer an issue in my life, wherever I may be!! (But old habits and training of 60 years die hard and the change in perspective is not easy).

Also, bought myself a present today. I've been looking at a beautiful (I think so) suede purse for about 3 weeks now. Seeing it hanging out every day, and finally decided to DO it today. It was a very liberating moment. Buying something for myself just because I want it. I am moving in a new direction by changing habits of 60 years and it definitely is not easy. I must work at it, and will.

The flowers all over this post are another example. I love flowers, but rarely buy them for myself, seeing them as an unnecessary luxury, and even here, they were not cheap...the price of full meal. But I bought them because I wanted them and they are just soooooooo lovely in my room and giving me so much pleasure.


Monday, May 28, 2007

India Journal 2006 - #66 - May 28-29...Feelings of Peace and Wellbeing and some pics of my room


Even more snow fell during the storm yesterday which raged until well into the nite. But this morning dawned crisp and sunny. You can feel the soft, lovely, cool breeze of mountain air and so far the sky is a brilliant blue with just a few wisps of clouds. Let's see what the day brings! The hawks are circling seemingly aimlessly and lazily in the currents, but every once in a while one will dive and swoop down on what apparently is breakfast. (The day brought dark, threatening clouds, again, by 1 in the afternoon, and it is now close to 3 and FREEEZING one, but no one can believe the weather....I am back in my winter clothes including my warm shawel and it is the end of May...normally the hottest time of the year here.

And now, 7 PM, the sky is clear again. The sunset reflecting off the snow peaks, the lower foothills luch and green, all holding the promise of a lovely day tomorrow.

Personally, I am feeling very much at peace for the first time since I left Rishikesh. I have also begun to imagine my homecoming and I see it as also very calm and tranquil with quiet time for my loved ones and friends. Although I truly wish I was staying here longer, and perhaps going back to Rishikesh for while, I know that will also be happening before the end of the year, and the months at home will bring only further harmony and balance into my life. and this is the source of my wellbeing right now.

Just bought flowers for my room. beautiful day lilies . Still closed. Then I realized that I've never taken pictures of this, here are a few with some explanations

note the night table and lamp, which means I don't have to get out of bed to turn off the light at night when I finish reading...this is a first for me in India!!

see "read more" for the rest....

This is my closet, above

Above some flowers I bought...will shoot again when they open

This has become my sofa, my treatment table, and even my table for eating if I cover it with a tablecloth!!

and below my bathroom....not the large hot water heater!!

Below some pics of the room...

Table and chairs...mostly my corner for makeup and hair as there is a mirror on the opposite wall, but when I have company, the chairs can be moved over into the other side of the room and it is quite nice.


New view from Nick's...Hawks are so sloce on the current I could reach out and touch them as they soar past. Below, the amazing view of a building site with the women laborers as usual. Four women dressed in lovely sairs (one red, one daffodil yellow, one bright orange and one turquoise) walking as elegantly as if they were taking an evening stroll. Working as human bulldozers. A house is being build and the foundation of 4 rooms laid out in concret squares, which have to be filled in first with dirt and then overlaid with rocks and gravel. Normally, I would picture a bulldozer with large shuffle scooping up a load of dirt from the hillside and then dumping it in the center of each square and men spreading it evenly to cover the foundation.

Here, the women worked in pairs. One digging dirt out of the side of the hillside with a hoe and filling msall baskets with it, and then helping the second one to lift it on her head and then carry it herself over to the foundation and dump it. Each "dump" barely makes a dent in the area to be filled and I watched for 1/2 hour. I imagine it took them the whole day to fill in this the area in this manner....and they were not walking with the baskets on their heads over a regular path, but up a hillside and over all the rubble of the building site, never missing a step or seeming to falter...graceful is the only way I can describe it.

Now that I am feeling better, and have the CHOICE of doing nothing, I REALLY feel like I am finally on vacation, and 2 weeks is all too short!



Sunday, May 27, 2007

India Journal 2006- #65 - May 26-27-Weekend Traffic

Well, first of all, as you can see from the picture, it SNOWED again on the mountains yesterday!! It is now the end of May and this is THE hottest time of the year here...just another example of how global warming has screwed up the weather everywhere. And it was freezing...needed all my winter clothers including my heavy shawel! And today began as a beautiful and warm sunny day, and now, while sitting at the internet, a storm has again begun and it is pouring cats and dogs and COLD!! It's no wonder people get sick here... my day...

Wish I had my video with me now...maybe next Sunday I will come out again and see if I can get pictures of what I will try to describe to you now.

Imagine Saturday Night in Israel, everyone coming back home from the North and traffic backed up for a complete standstill. Now, imagine the same scene but all traffic, cars, jeeps, busses, vans and richshaws and motorcycles must all make their way back on the old road, before it widens into a regular 4 lane highway. But, imagine now just ONE lane, for vehicles going on BOTH directions, no shoulder at all, just buildings and shops adjoining the road on both sides, or, in some places, a steep mountain on one side going straight up from the road and a sheer drop on the other side...remember, no shoulders, no guardrails etc. and now add PEDESTRIAN traffic to that, as well as cows!! Walking up and down this same one lane as well, making their way on either side of the cars, and the really brave ones, weaving their way between the cars!

This will give you a little idea of what the road between Bhagsu and McLeod looks like now when I walked up to Bhagsu. The walk should take no longer than 10 it took almost 1/2 hour by foot, and the cars are not moving at all!! The line of traffic and people was unending from one town to the next, as well as people, in single file on both sides of the road...Very often a PEOPLE jam as well with no place to go but directly up agains the buildings, or if lucky, near a doorway of a shop.

But I finally made it up and am now awiting for my kitcheri and to meet Akhilesh.

Taught a Pranayam workshop today, first session, to Shanti and a second session is next week.

Feeling really really well. Even better than before I got sick!

Nice chat with Akhilesh...come back down, again, no camera, a whole regiment (or whatever you call it...lots) of GIRL soldiers in dress unifroms, walking through town, singing, smiling etc. Really young and sweet. Didn't know India HAD women in the army. Reminded me of the girl soldiers who used to walk through our village sometimes in Israel when they were on maneuvers. I have no idea what they were doing or why they were doing it in McLeod, but it was really nice to see.

And now, rain, thunder and lightning....the weather is truly unbelievable.

Type rest of the post here


Saturday, May 26, 2007

India Journal 2006 - MESSAGES FROM THE OTHER SIDE-India, May 26, 2007

Since this post really is one for the Mindfulness Journal, I have posted it there and you can follow the link


to read about my "chance" meeting with a medium at breakfast this morning, who had an entity, with a message for me, appear to her while we were eating!! Quite amazing!

Enjoy and believe if you choose to...I am sure it is real.



Friday, May 25, 2007

India Journal 2006-#64 May 24,-25- And Another Couple of Days Go By


Big improvement in my health but still not "myself"...or maybe this is a "new self"?. all I feel like doing is NOTHING! Just reading, enjoying the mountain air, listening to music....when I even THINK of walking up the mluntain I feel weakness all over! Maybe it's just too soon.

I am trying to relax into this feeling of doing nothing. (Things tend to happen when you are doing nothing....just BEING). Nick's, with its lovely terrace, good inexpensive food and fresh view of the mountains, as well as plenty of shade (the weather is still very hot), and of course nice clean toilet...I've made it my refuge this week. I come here in the morning

for breakfast and usually evening for is about as far as I can walk anyways these days. I can sit here for as long as I want...sometimes I meet people...sometimes I don't...either is fine.

Perhaps this is forced relaxation for me as I have had VERY little of it since I got to India and probably will have none when I get home in 3 weeks. Not even my house to myself. So will make every effort to appreciate what I have, as boring as it may sound, for as long as it lasts. I still look forward to walking the mountain, but will not let NOT doing it depress me.

3 PM same day.....Feeling even better than this morning and know another day or so will do it. Did alot of walking today, in town, for the first time in 4 days. It's also turned very warm. and for the first time I need the fan in my room. Happy that I opted for a room with fan now that I need it.

Time is getting short but I am sure I will begin walking again in a couple of days and my mood has swiftly changed and I have my smile back. It was a hard 4 days for me, but not bad in retrospect and did put things into perspective for me so I can't complain.

I am grateful and accepting of ALL things which come my way and know each thing is for a reason which will benefit me in some way.


Woke up to a nasty day (of course ...after 2 lovely ones!)...decided to do a little walking but I guess I was being told it was too soon. By mid-morning a storm had rolled in, the wind was so powerful it was howling and the tall pines were swaying from side to side as if they were broomsticks...the power was off and I was up in my room.

So, to keep my feet moving, danced for an hour...the storm was over, with no rain, after 2 hours and now again it is VERY dry and quite hot outside.

Went to Ashoka for lunch as I felt the need for some chicken. My appetite has come back, but as I am trying to be careful about what I eat, I am quite limited and it is difficult to fill my stomach. Well, I ate the best chicken tikka I have ever had in India. Perfectly seasoned and not cooked until it is dry, but so juicy it melted in my mouth. and I met a lovely Israeli couple there. I had this uncontrollable urge to speak to them and turns out that he runs a center in Ramat Hasharon for body/soul work for professionals...doctors, psychotherapists, nurses etc. I will check out their website but it seems like a really serious center where only quality professionals come to supplement their regular work life with body/spirit work. Meditation, Vipassana, Buddhist philosophy etc. We spoke for awhile and they were quite interested in what I do and what I plan to do with spiritual group tours in India, and perhaps this is another direction for me when the time comes. It certainly was not "just by chance"that we met. We all realized that. Will send more info when I have it.

Feeling much better today, although still not 100%...but being patient and enjoying lots of music and reading.

Have my final Aura transformation this evening and will learn some interesting things there which I will write about tomorrow....all things are coming to a climax now and I think the next 3 weeks will give birth to many new things for me before I get home.

That's about it for today....boring again I know but what to do?



Wednesday, May 23, 2007

India Journal 2006-#63 May 22,-23- Somewhere Over the Rainbow...and the Elephant

The pictures here do not do justice to what the afternoon brought today, but if you use your imagination, you will feel the blessing I felt when this rainbow appeared.

I was sitting out on the balcony with a new lady who just checked in, and a storm started to blow up so we back into our rooms. As I got into my room, I saw the sun was out on the other side of the sky and figured there had to be a rainbow, so go tmy camera and went back out, to find the lady there as well, figuring the same thing as me.

And as we stood there, quite disappointed that there was no rainbow, all of a sudden, it began to appear. Slowly and faintly at first, but as the rain and wind picked up, the colors became more alive and vibrant, and it actually began in the valley floor and spread all the way around to the trees behind us. I could not capture the whole scene, and the camera does NO justice whatsoever to the brilliance of the colors. And I've never really seen a rainbow which begins on the ground and 1/3 of it is on "land" before ascending into the heavens. It became more and more colorful and brilliant as we watched, for over 15 minutes, and then, although I doubt you can see it in the last picture, a second rainbow appeared, very faint but definitely there, above the first. So, for all the terrible weather we've been experiencing here, this was a true blessing and quite impressive. God's gifts to us are with us at every moment, but sometimes he has the need to do something spectacular to remind us!!

I Went to the Ayurveda doctor in the morning as I was feeling so bad it was becoming depressing, my third day with fever and weakness, headcold etc. He gave me something and lo and behold, I slept like a baby last night without 3 pillows to prop me up, nose dry, no cough and no fever. Too bad I didn't check him out 3 days ago!

I am still quite weak today and sure it will be a few more days, but there is a vast imporvement, in my spirits as well! He told me to continue to take the meds for three full days AFTER I'm feeling completely better. I will bring some of this stuff home with me as well.

The weather I'm sure is part of the problem, as many people are sick now...sun in the morning, stormy in the evening, and today is VERY dry and VERY hot.

I know this journal has become quite boring, but I find that I no longer have the need to WRITE about what I see here all the time...that should not be construed to mean that I take all the beauty around me for granted!! Far from it! I sit here and count my blessings many times each day and thank God often for allowing me to be here once again. But the need to describe each thing as it happens, or as I see it unfold before me, seems to no longer be a pressing need as it once was.

So, for those who still need to read these descriptive posts, simply go to my other India Journal (you can find the link on the sidebar) and check out the descriptive posts from McLeod and you will see either for the first time, or once again, the miraculous things which one finds here and the miracles that Nature and God can achieve just by being with them here in the mountains.


While sitting on the balcony and looking across the valley to the road on the other side of the mountain, I saw an elephant coming down Bhagsu Road. At first I thought I was dreaming as I've never seen an elephant here in town before, but I followed it down the road and sure enough, it was an elephant, with loads of children running after it down the road.

If I had felt OK, I would have gone down and over to Bhagsu road to see it as it arrived in town, but you will have to take my word for it, there definitely was an elephant here yesterday!



Monday, May 21, 2007

India Journal 2006-#62 May 18-21-If You Have to Be Sick...


Well, if you have to be sick, this is a good place to do it...when you can see this from the balcony in the morning,

and this in the evening!!

and lots of interesting interactions during the day between the mountains and the sky, the clouds moving, coming in to cover, the wind blowing them away and the sky blue again...better than watching television for sure!!

Let me just go back a couple of days and catch up and then will continue with the above:

Friday Nite

Didn't sleep well at all and in the middle of the night there was this amazing phenomena of a a strange kind of electrical storm.

It was as if someone was flicking a light switch on and off in the Universe...the sky kept flickering from pitch black (the electricity was cut so it was REALLY dark outside and in as well) to brilliant white/blue light every second or two....there was a low rumbling in the distance which never ceased as well...and this continued for over 15 minutes, accompanied by a soft rain and no wind. Later on the storm got closer and the flickering more intense and the rumbling as loud as a train passing under my window....all quite spectacular and worth being up to watch.
Finally slept for a few hours early morning....woke up...did a full yoga practice, pranayama and meditation, showered and felt good. Went down for breakfast but at some point began feeling a strange weakness in my body, as if all the energy was leaking out. Had planned to go up to Bhagsu for Kicheri and a walk and perhaps visit Sara, but I felt like I simply needed to fall back in bed. Headed back to my room, really really feeling weak...Felt like I could fall asleep right on the table at Nick's terrace!

Stopped for a piece of cheese thinking I might not make it out again today (good move!). Had picked up anew book before breakfast and now literally fell into bed after barely having energy to get undressed. Really really weak and also have feeling of hot flashes and then chilling. Funny feeling in my knees and thighs as well.

Back to Sunday...

Nice room and fairly nice balcony and plenty of people to watch below which is good on a day like this where I am not out and about. The sun is out and nice and strong on my body and hopefully will help to dry up a head cold.

Well, was optimistic in the morning, but the day got worse as it moved along. Began feeling feverish and found I could barely walk around the room....aching all over, etc. Checked and found I had 38 fever which is quite unusual for me.

Began to take care of myself with sage gargle, gal-neti( nostril cleaning with salt water), plenty of warm fluids, extra Tulsi, Traumeel and the restaurant was very nice about bringing up food and water when I requested it. As the day wore on and I felt weaker and weaker, I could no longer read, but had my lovely music, played solitaire on the IPOD so I could do it laying down!...And finally felt so miserable I sent an SMS to some of my kids....And I was awarded with the best medicine I could have gotten. A phone call from my son! It was lovely speaking to him and it really cheered me up and made me feel that all would be well for sure.

Didn't sleep real well at night but could feel things clearing up as the night wore on.

Woke up this morning, not only FELT much better than yesterday, but when I looked in the mirror saw that I LOOKED much better. At least you could see my eyes and there was some color back in my face.

Took a REAL hot shower, dressed, went down for breakfast, and am now here. I am still feeling weak and will rest the day away today as well...but whatever it is, it is not as bad as it could have been and am sure by tomorrow I will be as good as new!



Tuesday, May 15, 2007

India Journal - #61 May 15-Dawn of a New Day-Message in a Dream


arriving at a place I have been coming to on a daily basis for a very long time and all of a sudden, due to certain changes brought about by circumstances I find myself having to do things diffrently than my customary habitual way of doing them upon arrival at this place. And finding myself lost and confused and not able to find my way even though I am in a place that Iknowintimately and well for a long time. (this is not like the dream of getting lost and not getting to a place, or train or whatever on time ...that dream ceased to be a part of my life years ago and is discussed in one of my past posts from several years ago....)

I woke up confused and disturbed and it is now 3 hours later and have been pondering this dream all this time. And I remember it as clearly now as the moment I woke up from it...very powerful.

So I went out on the balcony to welcome the new day and saw a lovely pink dawn for the first time since I've been here...have a picture but it does not do justice...will post it tomorrow just to have a picture to go with the post...and while greeting this new dawn, unfamiliar to me in this place and yet a dawn as every other day dawns, I had an AHA! moment.

I will soon be coming home to a familiar place,but as I am coming home changed, nothing will work the same as before. He will no longer be able to contiue in my previous habits of dealing with things, perceiving things and reacting to them. I will be guided gently in new ways and there is no reason to be concerned about the initial confusion and lack of orientation. I will be given all I need to learn how to navigate the "old world" with my newly acquired energies. Particularly where Yali is concerned. I have already received a large amount of knew insights into what makes him tick and will be guided in ways to ease HIS way.

whenever I try doing something the "old" way, moving along the "old" roads, I will come up against obstacles and they they will simply be there to remind me to navigate along new paths, which I will be guided to if I pay attention.

Should all be quite interesting.

I am doing my Aura Transformation tomorrow but have already begun reading related material. I wonder if any of you have bothered checking out the link I sent a couple of days ago so you have some idea what I am talking about.

My friend Sandra who was supposed to spend a couple of weeks here with me is now quite ill in Rishikesh and will not be coming. She will come however to Israel in September.

and I am slowly working less as my clients are leaving and I don't see new ones arriving. It is as it should be for this last month will be a time of complete inner work and expansion before my return home. Time to integrate new energies and begin to learn to flow in new ways in my own familiar surroundings.



Monday, May 14, 2007

India Journal 2006-#60-May 14th....the Blessing of Silence

After 45 minutes of walking UP ltierally, I've come to a place where nothing exists except the forest.

As luck would have it, my camera, which I remembered to bring, is out of batteries and even the spares are dead! So I've pulled up some pictures from my trip here in 2003, but they will give you some feeling as to what I am writing about in this post. They are from the same area, but not the exact spot. This time I was even further into the dense forest, but of course no pics to show for it.

It is SOOOOOOOOOOO cicadas, which is strange, and no birds singing. there is almost a vacuum where no sound exists, but which is pierced every few minutes by the cry of a crow, the call of a solitary bird or the shriek of a falcon. there are NO people here, not even a sign of people. Can see neither McLeod on one side nor Dharamkot on the other. Just heard a distant mooing from a cow down in the village...I am not the first person

to find this place as there are tattered prayer flags strung from a few trees. All I see are the pines soaring straight up, majestically reaching for the sun which does not penetrate down to the forest floor through the thick covering of trees. They soar 30-40 meters high ( I think...not good at this kind of measuring) but the pics above will give you some idea.

Complete oneness with Nature and with God. Just saw a weasel ! The silence is almost deafening. As if it is penetrating and pounding within me. So, on to some meditation and get this off to you later today or tomorrow.

Well, that idea didn't work. Even though I have put on insect repellent, am wearing shoes, socks and jeans, and a shirt covered with a shawl, the mosquitoes have found me...perhaps so few people come here they are in need of a feast! Whatever, I felt the bites through all those layers and finally had to give up the idea of peaceful meditation, and will just sit and enjoy the silence...meditative in itself.

Well, sat there for about 1 hour and on the way down I saw an "ancient" shepherd, could have been 60 or way to tell, urging his goats down the sheer steep slope fo the mountain and he followed them as spritely as though he was one of them. Gave me a big smile, namaste and wave.

and just as I was happy about the fact that Anil didn't follow me this time, as he always used to (he knew where I was going since he'd asked), as I got back to the tea house, he was waiting and said "Where did you go, I went looking for you!". He assumed I'd take the long (but easier) road up and didn't imagine I'd go up the steep mountain path so he didn't find me when he went looking. So looks like I still have a problem. I made it clear to him that I am busy almost every day and go to sleep at 8:30. Hopefully this will keep him up in Dharamkot.

Anyway, took a footpath down to Bhagsu, a new way I'd never gone before, pleasant and easy, and am now at Gypsey King and have ordered KITCHERI which I have been looking for since I left Rishikesh!!

Slowly things are falling into place and before you know it, I am home and will have to start AGAIN putting my life together in a new place.

But days like these are a true blessing and will try to have as many as possible before I leave here in a month.



India Journal 2006-#59 May 12-13. A Blur of Two Days

Well, first of all, today, May 12th, is my father's birthday and I know all my kids went to celebrate with my Mother...really wish I could have been there.

this whole day went by in a blur of activity for me. Breakfast at Nicks, counseling session lasting 2 hours including Tarot reading, Abdellah came to spend the rest of his last day in India with me and his other friend Natasha from Mysore who he introduced me to. Interesting lady who lives "all over" without any real home. She divides her time between India (Mysore, Rishikesh and McLeod), Thailand and Malaysia doing yoga dna Thai Chi Chyuan and giving workshops in Thai Massage whenever she needs money. She is 47.

We spent a few nice hours together including lunch at the Japanese and then saw Abdellah off at the bus and had a drink together and chatted for awhile. At 5 I had my second session with Jai in Mantra Therapy and my back pain is now completely gone and he felt this second session was much easier for HIM than the I am making progress. Next I met Sara and we went for dinner togehter and finally got back to my room after 9...really late for me.

This morning, met a group of 6 Israeli women who took over the other rooms on my floor for the rest of the week. They are really sweet and their company will be nice on and off for the week.

Nick's for breakfast and then up to bhagsu just for a walk. The Temple pool which use to be there for holy dips mainly (Avik went swimming in it every day when we were here a few years ago)...has now been enlarged and tunred into a real public swimming pool...but of course only men and boys in it.

Back to town in time for lunch and my counseling session at 2. Then off again for laundry. Internet down in town today. Did a favor for a friend John (remember the retired Biology professor from Vancouver?)...picked up my malas, had a lite dinner, read out on the terrace until 7:30 and now relaxing in my room with quiet flute music and my deck of cards.

And 2 more days have just gone by!!

Tomorrow, weather allowing, I will go up to Dharamkot.


Type rest of the post here


Saturday, May 12, 2007

India Journal 2006-May 12th...Lesson from the Weather and...THE reason for my being here...

It is so strange...As compensation for yesterday morning, I am now sitting out in the sun waiting for my breakfast...

and the street looks so different than yesterday, as does the view of the mountains...

I am now sitting at Nick's and it is glorious. Perhaps this is just a reflection of the reality of life, and just proves that the sun always shines again after the rain, and it is SO much more appreciated when it disappears for awhile. I guess this is pretty much what our whole life is about. Being thankful for EVERYTHING...for even what seems bad, is actually good, and what we perceived as good we appreciate so much more when we haven't experienced it for awhile!!

So, thanks for the blessing of the storms and thanks for the quiet after the storm!!

And now...THE reason (or so it seems) for my being here. Every trip seems to bring ONE unexpected turn of events which seems to define the meaning for that trip (in addition to all the obvious reasons for the trips)...and yesterday evening seems to have brought me that clarity of understanding.

Yesterday evening, I went out for dinner despite the rain and didn't really know what I wanted. After Boom Boom I wanted something light. Went past a restaurant I've never been in before and something made me walk in. But it was overfull and I began to walk out when someone got up to leave, so I sat down.

Ordered something and began to read, when a young girl (woman) at the next table asked me, out of the blue, if I'd found a good hotel. Well, we spoke for awhile and then she joined me at my table. There was some kind of immediate "click" and we began talking. Long story short.

She is a healer who works with some new kind of energies and a system developed in Denmark called "Aura Transformation". Pleasce check this link by clicking here , and reading more about it, particularly the parts about Indigo and Crystal children. Since I've felt for years that Yali, my grandson, is a crystal child, I spoke to her about him and everything I've felt is exactly on target. All of his problems and difficulties with this life of his, and all the problems his family has dealing with him...are all manifestations of his crystal nature and energies. Read about it on the above link.
In short, I am trying toconvince her to perform the process on me which will not only benefit me and all those I serve as clients, but will pull me more into the energy vibrations and frequencies of Yali and perhaps I will be able to ease his way.
And of course, if I could learn to DO the process...I could help everyone help him more. And use it in my healing work as well. And I think THIS is perhaps the main reason I am here now . This and the Mantra therapy which hpefully will cleanse my chakras as well, as nothing has been successful in doing all these years.

I'm sitting here with a felling of complete peace and wellbeing which I haven't felt in a long time. It's as if I've found something I've been searching for, but I have not been actively "looking" for anything. But I pray and meditate each day and part of those prayers/meditations is that if there is anything I need to know, which I do not, or anything I need to be doing at this part of my life which I am not, then please make me aware of it and give me the wisdom to "see" it when you send it along.
So, the "chance" meeting last night was an answer to a prayer and the wellbeing I am feeling right now, aside from the glorious weather and snow capped mountain in front of me, is due to this complete and certain udnerstanding that validates my faither and belief that I am always sent precisely what I am in need of at any given period of my life.


India Journal 2006-#58 May 11th...and yet another storm...the worst yet!

Snow on the mountain above....

...and rain in town below

Woke again to another storm and after the beautiful weather the last couple of days it is hard to believe I have my winter clothes on again. The picture above doesn't do justice to the storm, but you can see that new snow has fallen again on the mountain. It actually has been raining ALL day...a real first...from 7 this morning, until now, 5 PM, and still no end in sight!

But it was not a wasted day and caught up on some letter writing this morning, then Sara met me (the French Lady) to have me help her with English. She wants to pay me to give her lessons starting next week....hmmmmm.

then we went to Boom Boom for lunch. She had roast chicken in orange sauce with little roasted potatoes and salal and I had a crepe with sour cream, cheese and spinach filling topped with tomato sauce and cheese. Quite lovely. We luckily caught a taxi going back up, I picked up my train ticket and took Sara to the new travel agent to get flights from Delhi to Leh, Leh to Srinagar (her daughter is getting married to a Kashmiri and there were only 2 seats left for the end of JULY!!)...and then back to Delhi from Srinagar.

Then helped her find a new bag and she also made an appointment with the astrologer. All this in the rain, but we were well dressed.

Now back to my room to rest and decide about dinner and where to go....such difficult decisions all the time!!

Did some needlepoint this morning and luckily have my musci as well.

Tomorrow I have a counseling session and another on Sunday...and my own Mantra Therapy session as well tomorrow. (It is already tomorrow and it was much easier for him than the first one and I felt energies moving this time as well...). Since my first one a couple of days ago, my back pain (second chakra area) is completely gone. Even went back to yoga! body \ mind\spirit....powerful stuff.

Now that I know for sure when I am leaving, it seems too soon. I'd be happier if the weather was nice, but still content with each day.



Thursday, May 10, 2007

India Journal 2006-#57 May 10- Very Fruitful Day! and...


Thursday, May 10

Today was a lovely day from beginning to end, but i will, just for convenience sake (for me) begin at the end and then go to the beginning...if you get my point.

It is now 6 PM and just finished up the day with a meeting for coffee with Abdellah...and I had my first iced coffee in over a year...and it was worth the "sin" for the pleasure I received from it! We spoke as usual and laughed and enjoyed...he is leaving tomorrow!! Very sad...andway, helped him finish up his last minute shopping and then we were discussing ways of getting back to Elhi and decided to check up on some leads I've been given about alternatives, which seemed impossible but figured I'd try.

There is a new travel agent hidden away behind some local incense shop (Tara Herbal shop), and I heard that you can get a jeep all the way to Delhi for the same price as the bus...400 rupees...seemed impossible so went in to check. I met a lovely young man, looks 16 but he is all of 21!, and he even has a branch offcie in Delhi right in Pahar before even discussing my own issues, I told him about my plans to bring groups and have now found
someone at this end here who can help me, in addition to my contacts in Rishikesh! This is very important to me for backup and we discussed many options about overland travel, hotels etc. Then, when I gave him my card, he asked me if I work as a Reiki Master here, and when I said yes, asked for some cards and a sign as well, which I will bring him tomorrow....

And then I got down to the nitty gritty of the jeep...seems he sends jeeps (A chevrolet Van) down to Delhi to pick up small groups, and sends them down from here empty. So when he knows he will be sending a jeep down, he is very happy to put even ONE person in it for the 400 rupees he gets...but he generally knows only close to the date. In the end, I asked him about trains from Pathankot (or Chakki Bank) which arrive in New Delhi (as opposed to Old Delhi Station where I usually come in and then have the hassle of getting to Pahar Ganj from there). Up until now, the only trains that did this were day trains and I do not like travelling by train during the day...prefer to sleep the night away and arrive in the morning...also when it is still cool, when I leave at night and arrive early morning. But he said there is a new express train which leaves at 9:30 PM from Chakki Bank and arrives 6 AM in NEW DELHI but it is avery popular train and fills up very fast. So I asked him to check for me for June 14th and there were only a few seats left! I ordered one, lower berth that I like, 2 AC and then asked the price. He told me and I asked how much for over 60 and he said "I thought you were buying the ticket for yourself!!"....well, I explained that I was and of course again this lovely age saved me over 300 rupees....So I now have a train ticket and if, for any reason he gets a jeep going, he will call me, cancel my train ticket and I will get down to Delhi in a Chevy Van, which will stop as often as I like for peeing, and which will be mostly empty so I can stretch out, and it will then only cost me 400 rupees, instead of the 1900 I will have to pay for taxi to the train station plus my train ticket.

And meeting him was wonderful and now have a new resource person here in India for when I begin my groups!

And now back to earlier.....

The Mantra Therapy....well...the astrologer had mentioned to me that he would like to give me a few sessions of Mantra Therapy to help release the impediments from birth which were keeping my 2nd and 3rd chakras blocked all these years, no matter what I tried. He explained that Mantra Therapy is just a fancy name for what the Hindu priests do when ever a child is born in India. They immediately have a horoscope made up and then if there are any problems, the priest will chant certain Mantras during infancy, and again every so often if necessary, to get rid of these impediments....but since I was not born in India, I have lived with this impediment my whole life and so he will do 3-4 sessions to try and get rid of it using the Mantras. I agreed at first but then decided I did not want to spend any more money while here on this kind of thing so left him a message. He never got the message, but I bumped into him "accidentally" on the street the same day, and when I asked why I didn't come I explained and apologized. He said he never mentioned money, had not intention of taking money from me...he only wants to do whatever he can to ease this business and make the rest of my years a pleasant as possible. I was a little embarrassed but he insisted, so yesterday I went for my first of 3-4 sessions of 15 minutes each. He explained what he would be doing, asked my permission and then began. At some point he stopped, asked me to open my eyes, and I saw he was literally dripping with sweat and breathing heavily saying" This is REALLY hard work" I've never done this on someone your age with so many years of blockage before"....he continued then and explained it would take 7-8 sessions he figures, but each one would help and by the time he finishes, I will be cleared! I take his word for it and will keep you updated.

I've noticed that tourist population here is different than from my past experience. There are an enormous amount of Asians...Koreans, Japanese and Chinese here, as well as many from South America, America, all over europe....And I see very few Israelis unless I go up to Bhagsu or Dharamkot where that is ALL I see.!!

I had a full consultation and Tarot reading today with one of my "regulars" and have another on Saturday. And another lady will beginning a meditation/pranayama workshop at the beginning fo the week. For now, my work is covering all my expenses except for my "rent" which I have put aside, and I'm not working hard at all, and enjoying every moment and being energized as well.

Walked up to Bhagsu for a nice Thali lunch today. wonder how the next month will pass...seems like a long time to me on the one hand but hopefully it will go quickly. No matter what, still healthier for me in all respects (except perhaps foodwise) to reamin here the full time. The days are still very changeable weatherwise but never so hot that it gets uncomfortable. Even at the heat of the day like now, 12-2, when I walked up and back to Bhagsu, it was quite comfortable, even in the full sun.

And that brings me to this evening....will have a nice dinner, and if I am not too tired (didn't rest for a minute today) may take in a mover 'Water" at 8.

Tomorrow meeting Sara for lunch and will see Abdellah one more time before he leaves on Saturday evening.

And that's about it



Wednesday, May 09, 2007

India Journal 2006-May 8th continued....Local Energies


6 PM...
You remember in the last post I wrote about the time with Akhilesh and our discussion of the shift in energies here...well, after coming back to McLeod, the day continued as follows:
First of all, I tried the ATM for the first time to make sure I could get money from my home bank account when I run out of money I have with that will happen soon!
It was SOOOOOOOO easy! Just like doing it at home except rupees come out of the money slot instead of shekel!

Then, one of the local Kashmiri merchants outside the ATM place said "Hi" and asked me sit...and for some reason I did...I usually just excuse myself and move on, but it was just meant for me to sit down and talk to him I guess.

And what did he want to talk about? The bad energies and uncomfortable feeling here...He called them "dead energies". He says the increase in violence is DUE to the bad energies here (not visa versa as many others are saying) and that everything has turned out to be like in the West and people just want more matierialistic things. No more "spirit" left here. He hopes (thinks, prays) that it will change as he is very unhappy. Says it used to be he could sit a whole day and sell nothing (he's been here 12 years) and still feel happy and at peace, and now, even if he sells lots of sutff, he is not happy. He is not worried about the business side of things or future of the town, but he says the spirit of the town is dying and it is becoming like any other city in the world, except that it is still dirty etc., as it always has been.

It was quite an interesting conversation, and just as I was leaving, I realized something else. And it took me quite by surprise that I haven't noticed it until now. The tibetan mantra chant Om Mane Padme Hung was always heard playing everywhere here in town. In shops, restaurants and out of all the CD stalls along the streets...even from windows of homes. And I just realized that I haven't heard it ONCE since I arrived almost 4 weeks ago!! Didn't realize until just now how powerful this silence is, how absent this feeling is here. In rishikesh you could not walk the streets without hearing chanting coming from one place or another....and this is part of the energies of a place, and the absence of it here perhaps says something very powerful about the feeling of the people here themselves!!

Just my thoughts for the day


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

India Journal 2006- #56- May 5-8 Best Laid Plans...and Catching-Up Musings

Tuesday, May 8th...

Decided yesterday to take a couple of days off from my regular working schedule so that I could do some walking and exploring up the mountain and in Dharamkot and Bhagsu. I will be writing about this day, from the storm in the morning to the lovely walk later on...but first want to catch up with the past couple of days. So let's go back, I'll fill in details and some musings over the past couple of days, and if this part bores you, just skip down to where I start writing about today's adventure and interesting discoveries, including some pictures.

Went to the Astrologer today, and have sent a detailed report to those I thought might be interested. If you did not get this report, and would be interested in this very interesting session, just let me know. I won't go into any details here, but I was quite pleased with the session which gave me much validation and understanding of the past few years, the coming few years, as well as reasons for lots of things which have happened throughout my well as a very good explanation of WHY the configuration of the Planets at our birth does actually have some influence on our life.

Sunday, May 5

Busy days...felling very good although after another session with Dhondup and pretty much relief from my back, it became apparent to him that the weather, with it's rain almost every day and quick changes from wet to dry and hot to well as my not eating properly are what's causing this pain to persist.

But my days are very busy at any rate...on the move all need for afternoon naps these days...Up at 6 AM and asleep by 9 most evenings. I have been working each day, tomorrow TWO sessions in one day. a Reiki Master herself is coming back for her third session...

Am seeing friends, going to the movies when something good is playing at a good time, but as my mornings and early afternoons are taken up by work, I have had no time to get back up the mountain since I went a couple of weeks ago, even though I am feeling energetic enough to do it. The days go by quickly and pleasantly however, and will soon be time to come home! Just 5 more weeks.....

I've been here over 3 weeks and am feeling quite at home but the expereince is very different than my other sogourns in McLeod. As I mentioned previously, I've had the feeling for years now that after my last trip I would "never come back". and that is proving itself true. I've come as a different person and this is a different place for me with a different purpose in my life. and that's OK.

Much of what the astrologer said has also changed my expectations (I know, I should never HAVE any expectations), and perspectives about my time here and I now know that the remaing time I have here will go by too quicly.

And before I know it, I will be home, finishing up my "negative" period and beginning my cleansing period. Wherever the next few months will take me, I am sure it will be interesting!

I really wish I had a laptop here as late at night I've had urges to write and would have done so on a computer, but no urge to do it by hand....

Made up signs today as well just to advertise a little. They look quite nice but will be putting up very few...want some business, but not too much.

Found a place to eat as well...yellow dahl, just cooked perfectly...great chapati and hopefully this will help with my eating problems. They didn't have change of 500 rupees in the place when I went to pay, so said just to come around whenever I can to pay!! can you imagine walking out of a restaurant anywhere at home without paying???? (Aside: I was a little disturbed as this simple meal cost me 90 (!) rupees and today, Tuesday, on my walk back through Bhagsu, found an even better place and a whole thali with brown rice, fresh vegetables, cooked veggies, and delicious dahl and curd only cost 45 rupees...I will definitely be coming back up here to eat at least every couple of days)


Had 2 sessions today, both very deep and now both of these women have asked to continue but more in the form of counseling and coaching than Reiki...seems the series of Reiki treatments has "moved" something in them and they now feel the need to explore these feelings more deeply...and this is precisely how I like to work with people... They also want a pranayama/meditation workshop as they would like, each, a personal kind of practice which they could continue to do easily once they get home. I feel so GOOD doing this. I used to feel tense and apprehensive when people were coming to me, and now, I just flow with it. Do a meditation to connect and then really "let go and let God" and it all flows. Very lovely feeling and much satisfaction.

Then my freind Ruth came to say good-bye. She's back to Australia via Delhi tonight.

Then, at 6 in the evening, decided to go out for some fresh air. Sat on the roof for awhile and then took a short walk and now will have a lite snack and off to bed early. Took the day off tomorrow and will take a walk finally yup to see how I feel. Perhaps see Akhilesh.

And that brings us up to date...and it is now Tuesday!

So, back to the Best Laid Plans...

Thought to visit Akhilesh, see the Ayurveda Doctor, walk around the "new" dharamkot, etc. Pictures below show first the old, quiet Dharamkot, as does the picture at the beginning of the post,

and then a few pictures of the

NEW SPRAWL covering the mountain slopes:

Well, I woke up at 6 as usual, and everything seemed normal. Now it is 7:45 and it has turned so dark, I thought night had returned! And yes, you guessed it, it is pouring rain and quite windy and cold. Out with the warm clothing again. And just yesterday was really warm...seems every time the weather warms up here, it rains to cool things down. It is REALLY dreary...Oh my, thundering as well. Perhaps in a few hours it will all be over and I'll go walking anyway.

10:30 AM.... The storm is still raging and getting worse. The winds are not howling, they are roaring, like a train pulling into a station. And things are blowing and crashing down in the street. There is a terrible draft in the room. Would hate to be here in the winter. I am wearing my warm clothes, have my heavy shawl around me and then have a blanket covering me while I listen to music and read. Luckily, during my walk yesterday evening I bought a couple of new at least I have something to read. Wonder how long my IPOD will work without recharging, as of course, there is no power. The sun will be most appreciated when it finally shines.

2 PM

Well, it finally let up and a brilliant sun came out. I went up to Dharamkot, had a quick visit with Anil and gave him some business cards to give to people (which means he now knows where to find me...nope I didn't make a mistake, although I made it very plain to him that I am not interested)...and then walked through the "new", downtown Dharamkot....I was amazed. It is a whole new place as you can see from the above pictures...Where there was just restaurant, there are now one after the other...see the pic below and the interesting name of one of the local places (it is transliterated Hebrew and the name means "easy drugs"!!!)

And the entire slope is filled with new buildings. Things are still hauled around by women in the same way however...

Remember in one of my stories from 2 years ago I mentioned the monstrosity that Chabad was building on the slope and how ugly and out of place it was? Well, it is still an ugly, out-of-place monstrosity and still unfinished, and looks like it never will be! Chabad seems to have taken over a modest building in the "center" of town...

The town is spread out now down towards Bhagsu and bhagsu has spread UP the slopes. It is all quite upsetting! And then I finally met akhilesh after an unsuccessful meeting with the local Ayurveda Doc...

We sat talking for awhile and he began telling me that something has happened to his feeling about this place...something about the energy being different...couldn't put his finger on it, but I knew exactly what he was trying to describe and told him so. Things he will never come back here again, even though he has been doing this for soooooooooo many years. When I told him these were my exact feelings, he was relieved and said he really thought something had happened to HIM. Bhagsu and Sharamkot are swarming with least 90%...there has been much violence over the past couple of months, even a knifing last week he said...and he feels that this is no longer the spiritual, perfect, tranquile energy retreat is was until now. So we both felt better knowing that both of us felt the same change...He says he no longer has any friends here as the only people remaining are those interested only in making money...all the really spiritual ones have checked out!!

And then, after the nice lunch I mentioned above at Gypsy King in Bhagsu...I walked back home, feeling very energized and alive. It was a wonderful morning/afternoon in the end....and will end with the following sign in one of the shops on the way down from Bhagsu...just for fun


Saturday, May 05, 2007

India Journal 2006- #55- May 4-5 Two Local Stories,,,One not so Pleasant...And Reiki Work Continues!!

Couple of Interesting Stories....One of them local politics and not very pleasant!

Strange morning today...went down for breakfast only to find the restaurant closed for some reason. Met the owner's wife, Tenzin Yeshi and we spoke for about 20 minutes. Long story...She was sent to English School in Mussoorie when she went into 1st grad (!). She is an only child, and her parents wanted the best education for her. She was very lonely as well as confused by the Christianity preached at the school and the Tibetan culture she was expected to follow at home, when she CAME home, once a year.

She now has 2 kids of her own. Her older son, 10, is in the monastary. He is the 10th reincarnation of some famous Rinpoche and HH the Dali Lama says he is here for a special purpose. He is 10 and does not speak! Very sad at what he sees in the world and so deosn't speak. HH says he will eventually speak. They are very sad for him as he does not seem happy, has no friends, but does well in his studies. He cries (but tries to hide it) when his friends are already teaching Dharma to others and he cannot speak, but when they ask him why, he brushes them away as if saying leave me alone, I will not speak. But their daughrer, now 7,

is bright and vivacious and now in 1st grade. Speaks both Hindi (which she learnt from the hotel staff) and Tibetan, but prefers Hindi and the teacher is not happy with her at school, nor are the elders. But she is very bright and happy child. There was lots more to the conversation but this woman just needed to speak to someone about this and express her concern over her son, who doesn't speak at all, even though HH says not to worry about him, and her daughter, who prefers to speak in a "foreign" language and has caused herself much trouble in life because of this.

Anyway, had to go find someplace to have breakfast as S was coming for a Reiki session so I went to Snow Lion to get Tibetan Brown Bread and boild eggs only to find they don't have the bread ready. so no eggs. Guess I wasn't meant to eat eggs yet. So, I found something on the menu which I had never seen anywhere here before, semolina porridge, and ordered it, hoping it would be farina. And it WAS! and was delicious.

So, now to the second incident. None of the shops or restaurants were actually open all day as it seems the tibetans are on strike. Why?
Well, the first version I heard was from Tibetans, and with much vehemence they explained that 2 days before, a Tibetan was hit by a rickshaw and when he yelled at the driver "can't you see?" or some such thing, a whole bunch of taxi and rickshaw drivers jumped him and his friend and beat them up and sent them to hospital. Even hit a local Tibetan lady who was trying to break it up.

the INDIAN guy at the hotel said it is so sad. the Indians hate the tibetans but it would be good if the Indians could learn to be more like the Buddhists and love and respect ALL beings as equals. It is very sad here in our town...too much violence!

Now, the other side of the coin. Met my friend Gill, Indian, the nice guy with the PHd who runs an internet cafe and who is one of the most gentle people I've ever met. He haslived his whole life in Dharamsala.

And he was with his friend, a local dentist and they were both furious. I could not imagien Gill getting getting angy ever but he was. The other side of the story, as reported to the police by the Westerner who was actually sitting in the rickshaw at the time and was report later in the local newspaper is:

The tibetans were drinking in the middle of the road on the way down fromBhagsu and when he beeped them and shouted at them to get out of the middle of the road so he could pass, one of them came over and hit him over the head with his bottle of beer. THAT'S when the fight began...

The angry words spoken by Gill and his friend about the Tibetans here was really difficult to hear and prbably much of it was right. They seem to look down on the locals (the Indians) and claim the only reason this town is so successful is because of them and the Indians could leave and no one would notice or care!. And they, the Indians, feel they are just as much a part of the local success story as the Tibetans. They also say the Tibetans, especially the younger ones coming the past number of years (and there is alot of truth in this, and these younger ones are the ones causing all the problems lately), are just using India as a transit camp, and looking for a wife to get them to the States or Europe or Israel. parasitic in nature and contributing nothing to the local culture.

It went on for about 20 minutes at which point I excused myself. But there is a lot of bad feeling on both sides here and this type of incident is just a symptom of something much deeper. It is not healthy for anyone.

Another insight I heard later on...the majority of the Tibetans speak no Hindi! Even the ones living here since 1959. And the younger ones, when they do speak, learn street language and cursing and never learn to speak proper Hindi and use the respectful form of addressing people etc. this leads to a complete lack of communication and with it, a lack of mutual understanding and much distrust.

although what the Tibetan drunk guy did cannot be condoned (even if an Indian had done it it would have been just as bad), but the reastion of the Indian locals was way out of line as well. Deep seated anger supressed over a long period of time just finding an excuse to explode.

The rest of my day yesterday, Friday, went interesting enough, as I found my way quite unplanned at a very highly recommended Vedic Astrologer. I will not be writing up the full report here, but sending it to those of you I think might be interested, but let it be said, that the whole thing was spontaneous on my part and quite amazing.

Had another Reiki session today with a new person, a Reiki Master herself, and she has booked another session tomorrow!! And I have an additional person on Monday. So as far as work goes, no complaints.

Will close here...


Friday, May 04, 2007

India Journal 2006 - #54 May 3-4 "By Chance" Meeting and Dawn of a New Day

Thursday, May 3rd


Had my first session with "S" today, the lady who I met "by chance" my very first day here when I was looking for a room. And then, just after asking to begin working again, she "by chance" bumped into me on the street and asked if I had begun working!

I just spent a very long time with her and while she was talking with me, following her Reiki treatment, amazing things began to happen. In the end, I was once again, as in Rishikesh, given a clear and concise message to pass on to her about wheat she needs to do to "move on" in life. She will be coming again tomorrow and recommending me to others. And the truth is, I feel quite energized even though the 2 hours were very intense for both of us.
I guess that when I am serving others, I always feel wonderful. Even my back seems to hurt less despite the very uncomfortable position I was in to do the Reiki without the benefit of a massage table.

Will now go see about lunch. Am really hungry for the first time in many days.

Weather still nasty and overcast but so far no rain today.

Thursday con't...
Just a quick note...Lunch...found myself drawn to the little French Cafe down the road from my hotel that I've been meaning to try several times in the past but it never worked out. Had the best
salad I've had in over 3 months...or maybe even longer... A bowl FULL of fresh, crisp, pale green silky butter type lettuce leaves, some cucumber and tomato and BLACK OLIVES all lightly and delicately seasoned with real French dressing made with olive oil, mustard and herbs. Then I ordered Pasta with butter, not knowing what I'd get. Well, if I had made it myself at home it couldn't have been more perfect. From the al Dente Penne, to the exact amount of butter and salt needed. Masala chai finished off the meal and I left a very happy lady, and for the first time in many weeks felt satisfied but not uncomfortable in my stomach. The best way to describe the feeling would be "clean".

The rest of the day past uneventfully but the lady, Sara, who had gone off to Amristar on Sunday without me, bumped into me on the street. She said of course it was amazing and I sitll must get there...but she came home sick and has been in bed with fever since Monday. She conceded that it was a very difficult day...between the heat of the day and the AC in the car, as well as the long ride back and was just too much.

We also agreed that the combination of stomach illes and rainy overcast weather is very depressing to say th least. Many people have simply left looking for someplace more suitable.

Also received an upsetting phone call from one of my daughters but slept well despite this....and now it is:


Today is the dawning of a new day and I truly hope a new more optimistic time here. What has made the difference??

THE SUN! For the first time in a week the sun rose over the peak straight into my up my room, my eyes and my soul The sun has a powerful effect on the human spirit. It is the soul of our Universe, sustaining life and growth, but it is also the soul of our spirit...the "sould of our soul" if you will. Uplifting source of loving energy filling each breath with warmth and optimism.

And, in addition, I woke with just about no back pain whatsoever.

I have another session today with Sue and then will finally begin walking again. What the next month or so holds in store for me here, health and weather wise, I have no idea. But I DO know that today dawned as a perfect day and I intend to embrace and enjoy every single moment of it.

Next post will be about a local problem, but will leave it to write up plans fro the day, as so often happens in India, were changed because of this local incident, but in the end, I have an appointment today at 5 with a very well know astrologer...after the sessions I had with "S", I decided to treat myself...even though I didn't go in rishikesh, I now feel the need to do it. Will report back tomorrow!!



Wednesday, May 02, 2007

India Journal 2006-#53-Monsoon Rain on May Day! and a Great Meal with Pictures!!

May 1...3:30 PM
Sitting my's been raining for about 1 hour now...but it's as if someone up there forgot the date! It is REAL monsoon rain. Heavy, noisy, almost like a curtain of water propelled by the wind. Pounding relentlessly on the window, on the sidewalk, drowning out all other sounds. It is a s dark as dusk outside, there is thunder and lightening. The picture doesn't really capture the feeling of the power of Nature and the surprising changes it throws our way when we least expect it. Trees are blowing back and forth as if dancing but not sure of the steps and of which way to move and bend. I wish I could somehow capture the power of these forces and post them to you!

The streets are empty and the water is flowing down in riverlets...I wonder how long this will continue. Supposed to meet friends for dinner but that's almost two hours away. It will probably be over by then.

Aside: And speaking of friends for dinner...have I mentioned that my social life here is jumping? I must keep a diary with dates and places to keep track. and a meal hardly goes by without meeting some old acquaintence or new fascinating person to get to know. I will be so bored at home with my non-existent social life in Raanana!!! It is a whirlwind of social activity which I never experience at home.

I am reminded of my monsoon days here and being stuck in Kailwood for days on end sometimes...But I'm sure this will let up soon.

My goodness! It is getting worse! Hammering at the windows now, the thunder just a second is even darker and I can no longer even see the outlines of the distant peaks...everything is a grey mist in the distance.

But, despite the stomach problem, the back problem, and now again a little stomach activity (seems that everyone has been saying the same's as if there is something in the air here which you pick up-perhaps the open sewage flowing combined with the warmer weather? Can't be healthy for you!)....But with all the recent changes in weather, including today...the past week was very dry and now this rain, my hip is fine and I know, and am thankful each day, for what the Pancha Karma has done for me!!

4 PM...WOW!! Now it is hailing!! 3,4,5 thunder clpas one after the other and of course now the power is off as well. but I have anice candle.

Well, the mist seems to be finally lifting now from the far peaks so perhaps the owrst is now on us and will be over soon. The wind seems to have died down and the thunder continues but is growing more distant. An end seems in sight!

4:30. All clear over the peaks now although the thunder and lightening has gotten closer again. But I'm sure this is the tail end. No more wind now, only soft rain, although still persistent.

In the end, it was over just in time to go out for dinner. I didn't have my camera and wished I had, as a whole group of people, many from Rishikesh, got together for Sushi and we spent a lovely 3 hours of great fun together! Such interesting topics of conversation and such pleasant international company. I am feeling, as always, truly blessed!

Wednesday, May 2nd

Today I went for my treatment with Dhondup, the Tibetan Western trained physiotherapist who I met many years ago here. He has found the perfect way of combining modern techniques with the ancient and proven medicine of Tibet. He did not just treat my lower back pain, but, as with all ancient forms of medicine, treated me holistically. First, when I came in, he said "You don't look well!". He knows me so I guess he could see something. So he took my pulse (the Tibetan system also uses pulse for diagnosis) and found my energy levels at a bare minimum and both my stomach and liver problematic. So he put together a combo of Tibetan Massage, modern physiotherapy techniques, hot herbal bundles and even a Tibetan singing bowl to treat not only my back, but my general condition and get all things back into harmony. My weakness is caused by the liver problem (but he doesn't know what caused the liver problem)...He remembered me very well it seems and I was quite surprised. He has such a thriving practice here but remembered I stay at Kailwood and that I had sent him many clients... I am now a few hours after the treatment and my lower back seems to be a little looser, and although he wanted to give me another session tomorrow, he does not have room until Sunday, when I have an appointment. He asked me to rest for the next few days yet, not because of my back, but because of my weakened state, so will do my best not to do too much walking...but I am really bored already.

Today went down to this fabulous restaurant I already wrote about, and then had the very long, very very steep walk back up, but it was worth it. You can see from the pictures, not only some lovely people I met for lunch today, some the same as last night, but also the lovely dishes we ate. And of course the restaurant itself. The pictures do not do justice to this very special corner of luxury in the middle of nowhere! It is still raining today by the way, but on and off, and thought to see a movie later, but nothing good playing. So will just eat dinner and have an early night.


The Monkey in one of the previous pics comes to visit me sometimes outside my window!

Tomorrow I have a Reiki treatment. As I mentioned, I had decided I wanted to go back to work and no sooner did I decide, than this request for a treatment came along....

That's about it for today