Wednesday, March 21, 2007

India Journal 2006 #25 March 18-20 Reiki Workshop #2

Sunday morning, I began my second Reiki Workshop, with a group of 4 lovely people,

all from different places, different backgrounds, different ages, and almost instantly we became a homogeneous group. It was both fascinating and lovely to see. I have made 3 lovely new friends in these people and know we will be in touch very often in the future. It was an amazing 3 days, again, for some of the same reasons, and for different reasons as well. I wish each of these people could tell their own stories, but each one of them as taken a step in an entirely new direction from the one they were on when they first walked into the workshop...and I know many lovely things are waiting for each of them along their journey. I look forward to hearing from them, and know that we will meet up again in India, or perhaps someplace else. Two of the women, Ilse and Ruth, I am sure to find again as we all will be spending good parts of each year in India from now on...

Esben, the red haired Danish guy, is 25 years old and sooooooooo wise. And Agee, whose parents are obviously Indian, but he was born and raised in London and is completely British, is 34 and just brings a smile to my face every time I even think of him...He was working as a market research manager but left his job to pursue Yoga, and other spiritual journeys...found his way to my class, or rather Reiki found him. He also does head massage and refexology, and after the reiki course he taught all of us this lovely Indian Head Massage...also gave me one amazing massage and hope to be back for more.

Well, the 3 days of the workshop were exciting and seemed to fly by with much laughter, as well as deep processes for everyone...I am truly privileged to have these people sent to me. You can see from the pictures how pleasant the experience was for all and although I am planning to take a vacation now for awhile, I look forward to more courses like these.

In addition, a young girl in distress found her way to me during the same days, so I worked with her as well in the evenings the 3 days of the workshop. I was quite busy.

And of course now, a couple of days later, I am truly enjoying my vacation again. The next post will contain snips of the past days as well...time is flying by too quickly. Just found out that some of my really good friends will be leaving Dharamsala before I arrive, but some equally good friends have just arrived and will be in the same guesthouse I will. And the idea to stay in Rishikesh was a good one, as I just received a mail telling me that winter is still hanging in there. And just as I was reading it, 2 guys who had left Rishikesh a few days ago for Dharamsala, just walked into the internet cafe and told me that it is FREEZING there, I was smart for not going yet, and they came back here to warm up!

I will end this post here ....and hopefully get to writing a very important post about something that happened to me yesterday which was really exciting, and confusing, and finally understood last night when I spoke to my friends here, expressing my concerns, later with my daughter and finally went inside and found the answer...