Sunday, March 02, 2008

#10-March 2, 2008- I’ve been Cured

Sending some more pictures today…and just writing to say that if I ever continued to entertain the idea of bringing groups to India, the last two days have cured me of that for sure. I spent two days with 2 women from Russia, one of them who contacted me a couple of years ago via my blog and we have been trying to meet up in India since then, and her friend. Rich women who were here for a retreat and then came to spend 2 days in Rishikesh. Spending the two days with them, seeing what it means to show people around who want nothing more to do than shop, needing the patience to allow them to enjoy themselves while still moving them along to the various places to see and get a feel of Rishikesh…it was exhausting. And that was only 1 ½ days actually.

But I was out with them, took some nice pictures which I am posting here, and actually enjoyed much of the quiet time we spent together at meals etc. But the whole idea of doing this is really not for me. If any of you out there however ever decides to come to Rishikesh, and needs places to shop for good jewelry etc., I at least now have the information. These women spent over $3000 dollars on jewelry but I was introduced to places I would never have found on my own. For information purposes, it was a profitable day for me as well.

Hope you enjoy the pictures…I have had very little time on my own the past week since I met Ben….and then these women, as well as a lady I haven’t written about yet (she will be in the second “people” post as I am leaving her for the end…it will be difficult to really write about her)…but I did some computer fixing for her as well this week…and tomorrow the 2 ladies are leaving and Ben and I will be sharing healing sessions again and perhaps go to the puja in the evening. We’ve been spending lots of time together…he just keeps coming up looking for me until he finds me…and once he does, the time just goes by and it is dinner time and the day is once again over. He will begin his teachings shortly, so I guess I will have more time to myself by then, but for now I am enjoying his company, as he obviously is enjoying mine…lots of interesting discussions, lots of laughing…quite pleasant.

I still get my own walking in each day but it is beginning to get warmer and will probably have to change my schedule and go out for breakfast, instead of lunch and then spend the warm hours relaxing and then going out again in the evening…

OK…enough babbling….enjoy the pics. I'm trying to get more pics of people this trip and other interesting everyday scenes of life in Rishikesh. These were taken over a 3 hour period and the ones on the Ganga are evening time just before the puja...that is why the bridge is also so can see evening baths in the Ganga, snacks to eat along the way and from earlier in the day, babas, kids coming home from school, etc.
